How to Avoid the Credit Card Trap
It seems that people love having credit cards these days, but these cards can create a bad situation in which you can owe lots of money for years to come. You will be told that you need “credit” to get a loan, and yes, a good credit history is important. However, credit cards are very […]
Are There Benefits To Getting A Green Card?
Yes, there are many reasons for immigrants who live in the United States to have a Green Card, also referred to a Permanent Resident Card. At USAFIS, we serve foreign nationals who want to move to the United States to live, work, and study.
Is it true that people born in certain countries can’t participate in the DV-Lottery?
Yes, it is true that not all countries are eligible for the DV-Lottery, but there is a good reason. The program was started by the United States Congress to intentionally diversify the U.S. population.
USAFIS: Why You Should Join a Library in the U.S.
In the United States, there is a great emphasis on being educated. One example of this is that library cards in the U.S. are free. When you get a library card, you have access to the books within that library, and you have the privilege to check out books and read them at your home, […]
Getting a Driver License in the United States
As an immigrant to the United States, you should know that it’s against the law to drive a vehicle without a driver’s license. To get your license to drive, you will need to take tests to prove the following:
USAFIS: Five of the Best Cities to Live in the United States
When it comes to moving to the United States as an immigrant, you might be overwhelmed as you try to decide where to live when you come to America.
Managing Your Career in the U.S.A.
When looking for work in the United States, it’s important to take the time to create a career portfolio. This should include a professional biography, a cover letter, professional references, and stories of your accomplishment.
How to Be Successful at Your Job in the U.S.A.
As you begin your new life in the U.S.A., you want to make sure that you are successful at your job. You can expect to work with people from different backgrounds, cultures, and ideals.
USAFIS: How to Deal with Technology in the U.S.A.
Once you get moved to the United States, you will find that technology is a big deal. The Internet has taken the world by storm with over 1 billion users in less than a decade.
DV-2017 Green Card Winners Were USAFIS Customers from Top 80 Countries
The 2017 Diversity Visa program had a total of 83,910 winners for the Green Card Lottery. Out of 120 countries that were focused on by the USAFIS, clients of USAFIS made up 21% of all winners of the Green Card Lottery from the top 80 countries.